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Many Programme Offices, whether Portfolio or PMO are treated as an administrative centre taking in large amounts of multi-sourced input and churning out reports on an ongoing basis giving little, if any, analysis to the real health of the programme. For a successful programme these central functions should provide a much higher level of value-add and pro-actively ensure that the programme plans, risks, change control and financials align so that there are no downstream surprises. The PMO and Portfolio Office should be the heart and lungs of the programme transformation.
Topicas provide Consultants that are experts in Portfolio Office/PMO implementation and have been facilitating and implementing project, portfolio, and program management over many years. Many have the solid experience of being Programme Directors of substantial programmes and understand what an effective central function means to them. Our experience fast-tracks our Client set-up and achieves measurable early benefits.
We will provide you with a bespoke solution and can offer processes, templates and advice on tooling that is right for your business.